Children’s Books

Children’s Books

Perfect for the summer:

El Canto del Piragüero – The Piraguero’s Song
Un Cuento en Rima – A Story in Rhyme – Large Print
Osuba, Rafael a (Author), Osuba, Rafael a (Illustrator)
ISBN: 978-0998174976

The musical call of the Piragüero welcomes all to enjoy the delicious frozen treat of Puerto Rico – shaved ice with a variety of fruit juice flavorings. Includes an appendix of terminology.This is a bilingual Spanish / English Story about a Puerto Rican Piragüero Don Rafael A. Osuba (Seller of Shaved Ice) Singing around a neighborhood trying to sell his Icy Treats. The story is told in rhyme. Learn about this cultural delicious Puerto Rican treat, colors, flavors and the creative use of words.

Esta es una historia bilingüe español / inglés sobre un Piragüero Puertorriqueño Don Rafael A. Osuba (vendedor de raspados de hielo) que canta en un vecindario tratando de vender sus golosinas heladas. La historia está contada en rima (Octosílabo). Aprenda sobre esta delicia cultural Puertorriqueña, los colores, los sabores naturales y el uso de las palabras creativas.

Perfect for Hurricane Season:

Coquí of Borikén: The Loud Noise, the Temporal and the mighty Huracán –
Large Print
Osuba, Rafael A (Author), Osuba, Rafael a (Illustrator) English Version [Spanish Forthcoming]
ISBN: 978-0998174983

Coquí the tree frog and his bird friends fear the arrival of a Hurricane to their home in Puerto Rico and gather together to respond and prepare in ways that highlight the rich culture and customs of Borikén.
Includes appendix of terminology.
This is the story about a little Puerto Rican tree frog named Coquí from the island of Borikén and the day he hears a loud frightening noise.
He sets out to investigate and along his way he meets up with his friend Pedrito, a Puerto Rican Tody. Together they visit their friend Torra, the Puerto Rican Parrot, and Torra shares with them information about the Zemí / Cemí (The Taino Gods): Atabey, Guabancex, Yukiyú, Guataubá, and Coatrisquie.

Tora also shares with them how to identify the warning signs of a potential approaching storm or a mighty hurricane.


Perfect for the Holidays – Three Kings’ Day

Luisito Celebrates Three Kings’ Day – Luisito Celebra el Día de Los Reyes:
Large Print
Osuba, Rafael A (Author) , Gomez Andrea, Miguel (Illustrator)
ISBN: 978-0998174990 Bilingual – Spanish | English

Summary:  Luisito and his family prepare for an exciting day of delicious food, exciting music, parades, and decorations to celebrate Three Kings’ Day. This important holiday in Latino culture celebrates the Epiphany, when Three Kings or Wise Men visited the newborn King Jesus, and he was revealed to the world.
Includes an appendix of terminology, lyrics of some traditional Jíbaro Christmas music, and additional information on the many delicious foods shared in the cultural celebration. 

Cultural Summer Favorites

Los Limbers Fueron La Solución – The Limbers were the solution –
Spanish | English
A bilingual story in rhyme. By: Rafael A. Osuba,
Illustrations by Miguel Gomez Andrea & Rafael A. Osuba
ISBN: 979-8988591313

Summary: Papo and his friends Manuel, Paco and Pipo are bored and hot, too hot, even to play a game. They do not know what to do. But when Manuel suggests a refreshing and inexpensive icy treat – “Limbers” – the friends spring into action to find their nickels and dimes, rushing to the house of Don Ramón, the Limbers man, to enjoy his frozen treats full of delicious fruit flavors and the day is transformed! This story is written in rhyme and has a translation in English. It includes a terminology appendix, additional historical information on how “Limbers” got their unusual name and a recipe on how to make this refreshing and cultural homemade icy treat.
Papo y sus amigos Manuel, Paco y Pipo están aburridos y tienen calor, demasiado calor, incluso para jugar un juego. No saben qué hacer. Pero cuando Manuel sugiere una delicia helada, refrescante y económica – “Limbers” – los amigos entran en acción para buscar sus vellones, corren a la casa de Don Ramón, el hombre de los Limbers, para disfrutar de sus delicias heladas llenas de deliciosos sabores de frutas y ¡el día se transforma! Este cuento está escrito en rima y tiene una traducción en inglés. Incluye un apéndice de terminología, información histórica adicional sobre cómo los “Limbers” obtuvieron su nombre inusual y una receta sobre cómo preparar este refrescante y cultural helado hecho en casa.

New Cultural Story

¡Chúpate esa, en lo que te mondo la otra! –
El vendedor de chinas y sus adivinanzas
– con 100 adivinanzas más.
Story & Illustrations by Rafael A. Osuba | Spanish
ISBN: 979-8988591375

Resumen: Una breve historia cómica contada en rima presenta a un entretenido vendedor de “Chinas” (naranjas) en Puerto Rico que utiliza acertijos para atraer y provocar a clientes para que compren sus deliciosas naranjas. Escrito íntegramente en español y repleto de ilustraciones coloridas, este libro destaca un acertijo particular y un encuentro divertido, y luego sigue con una lista de 100 acertijos adicionales que se han transmitido de generación en generación. Este libro es para que lo disfruten todos los lectores y amantes de las adivinanzas. Un pequeño glosario informativo de referencias históricas, culturales y lingüísticas completa este robusto libro. La historia y el lenguaje utilizados son entretenidos y memorables, lo que lo convierte en un gran recurso para quienes aprenden español.

Summary: A short comical story told in rhyme features an entertaining fruit vendor in Puerto Rico who uses riddles to lure and provoke customers into buying his delicious oranges. Written entirely in Spanish and abounding in colorful illustrations, this book highlights a particular riddle and funny encounter, then follows with a list of an additional 100 riddles that have been passed down through generations. This book is for all readers and lovers of riddles to enjoy. An informative Glossary of historical, cultural, and linguistic references rounds out this robust book. The story and language used is entertaining and memorable, which makes this a great resource for those learning Spanish.

Indigenous Stories

Washakie – The Little Indian Boy – Illustrations and story by – Karen Lynch Harley
Story in English with Native Tutelo-Saponi words.
ISBN: 979-8988591337

Washakie, a young Haliwa-Saponi Indian boy, actively engages with his grandma as she recounts his favorite story, the “Bear in the Woods.” This tale features Running Deer, a young boy very similar to Washakie. Running Deer’s energy and curiosity to join his brothers and father in the tribal hunt leads him to an encounter with a Momma Bear and her cub in the woods. The story reflects the rich life and culture of the Red Earth People (the Haliwa-Saponi Indian tribe), and their connection to Mother Earth and the Great Spirit. Running Deer and Washakie share the experience of learning to listen to their elders and respect the order of the natural world around them.